Here is my proposal;

  1. Automatically enroll all Veterans in a Platinum ACA – Obama Care Plan, with an Olive Green Supplement – under which they will pay NO co-pays and NO deductibles.  Additionally, provide them with an automatic “line-jump” to the head of any cue created to wait for any and all medical care or procedures – treat them as the special class of citizens that they are!  They will, as will all Americans under ACA be able to access; we are told the best medical care available.  They deserve no less than that best!
  2. Immediately close and sell off, at current market value, all VA Healthcare facilities to private industry.  Since the same number of patients will then be seeking care in the same areas as are presently being serviced all of the good facilities will be acquired.  Those facilities not up to snuff will be sold at a discount and renovated.  Those not capable of being modernized should be torn down by the VA and the land sold at auction.  All of the proceeds should go to the general treasury.
  3. Terminate all VA Healthcare employees. Since the same number of patients will then be seeking care in the same areas as are presently being serviced all of the good employees will immediately be rehired at market wages.  Those employees not up to snuff but who are willing to be retrained and have their skills updated should be allowed, at the VA’s expense to be reeducated retrained and re-enter the job market.  Those not capable or willing to be retrained and have their skills updated of being modernized should receive currently contracted benefits and seek their futures in another segment of the economy.
  4. Since the VA healthcare system will no longer be a stand-alone system all administrators, managers and bureaucrats will no longer be needed and should re-enter the labor market.  Those with desirable skills will be employed and the others – well they are best not retained in any system providing care.

Now what possible objection could there be to these proposals?

  1. We are told quality and quantity of care under ACA will be first rate, so these cannot be issues.
  2. Since the same number of patients will need and be receiving the same high level of care, but without the extra costs attendant in the ACA (co-pays and deductibles) the Veterans should be happy.  They can like the rest of choose their own doctors and medical facilities!
  3. Since the same number of patients will need and be receiving the same high level of care, all of the good, worthy and caring employees of the VA Healthcare system will be immediately rehired and similarly with respect to the market need for good, modern, well located medical facilities!
  4. Costs the taxpayers will be dramatically reduced in several ways.
    1. Under ACA the typical family will save $2500.00 and since the VA will be paying all co-pays and deductibles, these saving will accrue to the Treasury.
    2. Since we will have integrated the care giving with existing organizations we will o longer need duplicative, facilities, support staffs, management organizations, administrations, record keeping etc.
    3. Old, unfit, poorly located facilities will be eliminated recycled and placed back on the market for re-use in their highest and best use.  This will leave the Veterans able to avail themselves of all the benefits of modern medicine (as available to all Americans under ACA.)

We will, however need to deal with a few pesky little problems, but none of these should affect the quality or quantity of care to be delivered to our Veterans.

  1. Politicians will have to give up the notion of retaining VA service facilities and employment in their own states and districts, where they are not needed – the market will cause them to be located based upon need and use, not political consideration.
  2. Unions will of course scream, but there is no law prohibiting them from organizing in the new to be expanded private medical sector.

But most importantly we will once and for all times not be providing our most worthy citizens and Veterans allegedly “SEPARATE BUT EQUAL” medical care and facilities with the stated intention of providing better care but with the actual delivery being uniformly SUBSTANDARD CARE!

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